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Problems in stone mining

Stone mines are commonly used building materials, and the market demand is increasing. Many businesses are also increasing their investment in stone mining, but there are still some problems in stone mining at this stage.

Blind mining

With the urgent increase in demand for stone, the stone mining market is also gradually expanding. Many mining parties attach too much importance to economic benefits and do not make scientific demonstrations before mining. Especially in some places where there is a lack of geological data, they directly mine blindly, dig and mine indiscriminately, causing damage to ecological resources; and they only care about the present and lack long-term strategic planning for mining;

Inadequate environmental protection measures

Some mine owners who mine stone form their own mining teams, lack experienced professionals, and various waste rocks are piled up irregularly. The order at the mining site is chaotic, the mining process is not standardized, and there is a lack of effective environmental protection measures, which affects the natural ecology and environment to a certain extent;

Low waste utilization rate

At the stone mining site, various waste materials can be seen everywhere. In fact, waste materials can be reused instead of being discarded as waste stones. For example, discarded waste materials can be crushed again as concrete materials, and can also be widely used in landfill and reclamation projects. Ensure full utilization of mining resources and reduce resource waste.



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